
28 September 2016

A Canberra Liberals Government will implement a three pronged approach to boosting local tourism and realising the huge potential we have to attract more interstate and international visitors as well as business visitors, Shadow Minister for Tourism Nicole Lawder said today.

“Local government needs to be proactive working with local industry to identify how our market can be boosted. We should listen to and expand on their ideas and help those who are working hard to boost tourism,” Ms Lawder said.

“If elected, the Canberra Liberals will:

- Host an ACT Tourism Industry Symposium to identify tourism innovation and provide the government with advice on strategies to deliver new tourism opportunities and products. 

- Review all legislation and regulations affecting local tourism operators, with the aim of reducing red tape. 

- Provide $375,000 for the Canberra Convention Bureau to continue its work growing the business tourism market.

“We need to listen to local operators. They are the experts and know how local government can best enhance the local sector.

“Canberra has huge untapped potential as a destination for ecotourism, leisure tourism and business tourism, from both interstate and international visitors. It’s time to realise it under a Canberra Liberals Government,” Ms Lawder concluded.

Contact: Joe Prevedello 0402768432

24 September 2016

A Canberra Liberals Government will deliver a new approach to public housing management as well as innovative reforms to help public housing tenants achieve home ownership. Today we’re announcing a five pronged plan for the future of public housing in Canberra, Shadow Minister for Housing Nicole Lawder said today.

“First and foremost, the Canberra Liberals will reform the Shared Equity Scheme, whereby eligible tenants can purchase 70% of a Housing ACT Property, with 30% remaining with Housing ACT. Unfortunately there are major barriers to the take-up of this scheme and the Canberra Liberals will fix that,” Ms Lawder said.

“To encourage uptake and help more people transition to home ownership, we’ll explore options to; allow newer properties to be included under the scheme and include properties like duplexes or townhouses.

“Our other plans for housing include:

  • A $125,000 independent review of ACT Public Housing.
  • Implementing the Auditor-General’s 2016 recommendations on public housing management.
  • Conducting an Undeclared Occupant Amnesty for public housing tenants, to ensure proper rent is being paid.
  • Reinforcing public housing tenancy agreements and investigate further reforms to deal with disruptive and unacceptable behaviour.

“Like many aspects of local government management, public housing needs a new approach in the ACT. Our plans will help residents more easily transition to their own home and fix management of the system,” Ms Lawder concluded.

27 September 2016

Today the Canberra Liberals have announced more than $16 million in exciting new initiatives to encourage the growth of the Arts in the ACT, Shadow Minister for Arts Nicole Lawder said today.

“A Canberra Liberals Government will commit to new infrastructure, incentives for excellence and getting the best from our current Arts institutions,” Ms Lawder said.
“Our plans to foster the Arts include:

  • $15 million for the Belconnen Arts, Entertainment and Cultural Centre to complete the second stage of its development.
  • $750,000 for two new Arts administrators who will assist in developing a long term Arts strategy including; long term plans for the Canberra Museum and Gallery, an emphasis on Arts in schools, evaluating further development of the Ainslie, Gorman House and Kingston Arts precincts and exploring opportunities for private/government collaborations.
  • $225,000 for new ‘Canberra Arts Awards’ across a range of catagories including; performance, painting, drawing sculpting and more.
  • $100,000 to foster the Canberra Area Theatre (CAT) Awards.

“Canberra has a thriving Arts scene that can be improved with local government support. Our plans to boost the Belconnen Arts Centre, develop longer term plans for our existing Arts facilities and incentivise Arts through new awards will add to a richer society for all Canberrans,” Ms Lawder concluded.

25 September 2016

A Canberra Liberals Government will provide an extra $3 million for better quality road resurfacing across Canberra and will increase the use of the smoother hot mix asphalt and better quality chip seal. Our approach will lead to safer roads across the ACT, Shadow Minister for Transport Alistair Coe said today.

“A core role of local government is to keep our roads in good repair, but unfortunately under ACT Labor, road resurfacing targets are rarely met and many of Canberra’s roads remain substandard, with pot holes and uneven surfaces,” Mr Coe said.

“A further problem is that the cheaper chip seal is often used which can cause damage to cars through loose stones while it also increases traffic noise.

“The Canberra Liberals will commit and extra $1 million per year for 3 years to increase the use of the quieter and smoother road resurfacing materials on ACT roads. This funding is in addition to the government’s additional $6.9 million, already in the current budget.

“The Canberra Liberals will strive to use hot mix asphalt where possible, and will make sure our roads are kept up to the standard that Canberrans expect and pay for,” Mr Coe concluded.

19 September 2016

A Canberra Liberals Government will provide $120,000 for Landcare ACT to continue its great work safeguarding the environment across the region, Shadow Minister for Environment Nicole Lawder said today.

“We recognise the contribution Landcare makes to our community through its catchment groups that focus on environmental issues like soil degradation, weeds, animal pests and erosion,” Ms Lawder said.

“Currently, Landcare ACT receives $60,000 per year from the Federal Government, but no funding from the ACT Government. Under the Canberra Liberals that will change. We will provide $40,000 per year for three years to enable Landcare to further develop its strategic approach to helping the local environment.

“The Southern ACT, Ginninderra and Molonglo catchment groups all provide ongoing support for the environment and the Canberra Liberals believe community generated action to help the environment deserves a leg up from local government.

“I look forward to the ongoing success of Landcare ACT and its volunteers in delivering grassroots environmental management,” Ms Lawder concluded.

Contact: Joe Prevedello 0402768432

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